5 Sound Forge Sampler Plug-In 4000 Send to/receive from a Sampler. 5000 Not enough memory for MIDI Send Header. 5001 Not enough memory for MIDI Send Buffer. 5002 Not enough memory for MIDI Receive Header. 5003 Not enough memory for MIDI Receive Buffer. 5006 Not enough memory for MIDI callback. 6000 General 6001 Busy 6002 Send Next Packet 6003 Sample Operation 6004 Begin Transfer 6010 The requested operation is not supported by your Sampler. 6012 The Sampler feels that the last message sent to it was inappropriate. It may be feeling moody. 6020 The Sampler is busy and cannot perform the requested operation. 6030 The packet number does not match the expected sequence value. 6040 The sample number specified is out of range. Refer to your Sampler's documentation for supported sample numbers. 6042 There is no sample currently stored at the specified sample number. 6044 There is insufficient Sample Memory to store the sample. 6045 There is insufficient Parameter Memory to store the sample parameters. 6046 The bits per sample (bit depth) of the sample being sent is not supported by your Sampler. 6047 The number of channels of the sample being sent is not supported by your Sampler. 6048 Your Sampler will not allow the requested sample to be retrieved. 6051 The sample number does not match that of the previously transferred sample header. 6052 The data packet length cannot be accomodated by your Sampler. Try decreasing the data packet length.